Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kerry Still Doesn't Support the Troops

John Kerry is at it again:

Republican Jeff Beatty's campaign responded Friday to the Kerry campaign's earlier charge that he roots for the New York Yankees, accusing the Kerry campaign of dodging questions and engaging in smear tactics.

In response to Beatty's call for an examination of Kerry's ties to bailout insurance company AIG, Brigid O'Rourke, a spokeswoman for the Boston Democrat, told the Boston Globe: "In case Jeff Beatty hasn't noticed, that AIG stock he's talking about isn't looking so hot these days - sort of like his favorite baseball team, the New York Yankees."

The Beatty camp said the Harwich Republican is not a Yankees fan and said that O'Rourke made the remark because a Yankees hat was put on Beatty to keep bandages on his head when he was injured rescuing U.S. hostages in Grenada (photo above).

"When asked serious questions, John Kerry sidesteps, smears, and then goes on the attack," Hunsinger said. "Add to the long list of people Kerry has insulted those military doctors and medical students, some Yankees fans or Red Sox fans like Jeff, who risked their lives to tend to soldiers while under fire in Grenada. If these weren't such serious times, we would ask for an apology. Instead we say it's time to fire John Kerry."

What a monumental jackass (fittingly).

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